Posts Tagged ‘bible study’

Truth vs. Lies

October 20, 2014

My heart breaks today. In fact, I’m even angry. But, more than being angry, I am just sad. I’ve been seeing more and more posts on social media, and just talking with people who claim to be bible believing Christians say and write stuff that clearly does not reflect the Bible. These people claim they have received more revelation and now believe (fill in the blank). Yet, these so called revelations go directly against scripture. The Bible is very clear that it is the final authority on all matters and we are not to add to it. 2 Tim. 3:16, Proverbs 30:6, Revelation 22:19.

We, as the Bereans in Acts 17 did, need to be faithful by searching the scriptures when we hear of any teaching. We don’t want to be manipulated by teachings that sound good and are ‘just a little off’ because that is where satan gets a foothold. Teachers who claim anything other than what scriptures say are heretics and will be judged for leading Christ’s sheep astray.

The Holy Spirit dwells within us to convict and comfort us and I am thankful for this as we are in times with lots of false teachers around us. I am confident that God’s word will continue to stand true and Christ will continue to be exalted despite satan trying to distract us.

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