Guess Who’s Back?!

May 19, 2022

I haven’t written a blog post in about 2.5 years. People keep telling me to write. I can’t pinpoint exactly what is keeping me from writing publicly. Maybe because life has been too hard. Maybe because life is busy. Maybe because I don’t know if anyone actually wants to read what I have to say. Maybe I am lazy. Maybe all of the above.

I started this blog ‘way back when.’ Life was exciting. I was Katie from Michigan from The Rush Limbaugh Show. I was on his show 6 times and learned a lot from him. I miss him. I didn’t listen to his show too much, but I will never forget the time and energy he put into my life and the lessons he taught me through email and when I talked to him on the phone/his show or in person when I met him. You can search the blog for this backstory if you are so inclined.

By the world’s standards, my life doesn’t seem too exciting anymore. However, by God’s standards, the last three years have been the best yet, as I have been able to soak in God’s presence in my life in so many deeper ways. I have been a Christian for a very long time. These past years have been ANYTHING but easy. In fact, nothing in my life has ever been easy. God continues to stretch and grow me in ways I wouldn’t expect. He shows me my very deep and urgent need for dependance on Him for every little (and big) need and issue arising in my life. I can’t help but sing His praises and tell of His goodness in my life. So, I will rededicate this space to Christ. I pray people are encouraged as I process my life through writing once again.

Oh Lord, thank you for this gift of writing. Being able to express myself in this way is freeing, humbling and peaceful. May my words point myself and others to The Word, Christ Jesus. The author of my life who continually shows me mercy and grace must be given all the glory. Lord, give us peace tonight. We are a hurting and confused people. You are a God of order and you do not change. Hallelujah! In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

What a Year!

November 22, 2019

Talk about an interesting year. 2019 has been anything but dull. I have seen God’s hand in more ways than I can count. This has been one of the most difficult years of my life. But, God!!! The loss has been astounding. It’s been a little over a year since having my hysterectomy. I am thankful for the improvement in my pain and day to day life, yet I grieve. My grandma died last fall followed by my grandpa this spring. I am thankful for their legacy and lives, yet I grieve. My dad died at the end of July very unexpectedly. He was 63. I continue to grieve. I had to have yet another unexpected surgery in April. My body is overwhelmed with all the trauma of 5 surgeries in 4 years. My sister, who is pregnant with her 5th baby, had a brain bleed in May as a result of a brain malformation (AVM) and will now have to have brain surgery once her baby is born. Baby is due to arrive next week!!! I overdosed on medication in June, which resulted in several days in the ICU with doctors telling me I would have surely died if the paramedics wouldn’t have gotten to me when they did. They were also shocked I did not have any brain damage or other damage to any organs. Lots of grief this year.

Also, lots of joy!!!! Did I mention I am going to be an aunt for the 5th time???? Baby has been healthy through my sister’s diagnosis and I can’t wait for the little one to arrive. I’ve been involved with amazing biblical counseling through my church and it’s so wonderful to just study God’s word and delight in my identity in Christ. I had so much fun with the family this summer spending lots of time with the kids. We had a beautiful memorial service for my grandparents with the whole family together, seeing old friends. I got a new job working with children with autism. It’s challenging and rewarding and I enjoy it. I went to VA to celebrate my grandpa’s 90th birthday. So much fun. I have continued on with prison ministry and it’s such a huge encouragement to me.

Praise God for sparing my life. Praise God for sparing my sister’s life. Praise God for sparing my little unborn niece or nephew’s life. God has provided for me in ways I couldn’t have imagined. He has been teaching me to rest in my identity in Him and abide in Him. My problems haven’t gone away, but I have peace. I continue to have health problems and set backs but, I can function!!! I still have my little dog by my side. My family and friends and church have been ever so supportive. I am singing in the choir with my favorite group The Getty’s this Christmas. God is good and I don’t deserve it.


October 5, 2018

I have so much to be thankful for the past few weeks. I’ve focused too much on the negative and I need to stop.

-My sweet grandma died a few weeks ago and she is in heaven because she trusted Christ as her Lord and Savior. It’s only through Him we can get to heaven to be with God. Praise God for her faith and legacy she has given to all who knew her.

-I’ve gotten to spend some precious time with my 98 year old grandpa the last few weeks. He has blessed me with his good spirits and humor. I don’t like seeing him so old, but thankful God has given me this time of learning from him.

-Phone calls continue with my other grandpa. I can’t see him in person but we sure do talk a lot. I am thankful for his testimony and life dedicated to the Lord’s work. He cares so much for people. I have been blessed with two amazing grandpas and my heart still aches in both my grandmas absence.

-I was able to go to the Red Wings home opener. I had never been to one and it was very entertaining.

-I’ve been able to have lots of fun times with my mom. She has taken such good care of me in soooo many ways. She continually goes above and beyond in all she does.

-My ankle may be bruised and swollen from the sprain on Wed. afternoon,  but I am able to walk and get around.

When times are hard I must continually come back to the cross and thank God for all he has done for me and especially for who He is. God is so GOOD!!!


July 4, 2018

Days like today make me hopeful for my apparent upcoming surgery. I can’t get comfortable, I’m hurting and the temperature is so hot I can’t bring myself to use my heating pad and usual remedies are not working. I’m thankful for all the doctors who work with me. I am putting hope in this surgery to make me feel better. Modern medicine is a wonderful gift, but my hope must be in Christ for healing, joy and strength. I firmly believe God can heal me and yet I must live my life to glorify God no matter if I’m sick or well. I’m praying everything goes through with my insurance and all the different details surrounding my surgery. I pray I can be a light for Christ and the hope I have in Him. I also pray this surgery will be successful. More details to come!

A Christianity So ‘Cool’ It’s To Die For

November 19, 2017

Just Thinking...for Myself

“When Christ calls a man, He bids him ‘Come and die.'”
– Dietrich Bonhoeffer

You will forgive my tardiness, but only a few days ago did I come across an article published earlier this month on the website entitled: Meet the Woke Young People Trying to Make Christianity Cool Again. It profiles four ‘woke’ young people and their efforts to, as the article states, get Christianity “back in step” on issues such as the environment, racial inequality, and LGBTQ rights.

Notwithstanding the content of the article itself, the title alone seems sufficient to give any true Christian pause. I say true Christian because any person who professes to have been born again, and has lived for any length of time the kind of sacrificial life to which followers of Jesus Christ are called, knows from personal experience, as well as from what the Bible itself teaches, that the…

View original post 1,408 more words


November 1, 2017

In honor of my grandpa’s 98th birthday tomorrow, here is a post about Verne Koppin. How in the world do I have a grandpa who is 98? I picture him with all the uncles smoking cuban cigars in the evenings at his house on the lake. I remember thinking Grandma and Grandpa’s house was sooooo interesting, full of treasures from their trips and interesting furniture to explore. We would walk in and Grandpa would be happily watching golf and we would convince him to share his popcorn he kept in a metal tin.

His 6 kids and their families would pile in the family room on Christmas Day and us kids couldn’t wait to open presents. Grandpa would stand by the tree and start out one by one. He would say, “Is there a Katie in here?? We are looking for a Katie to open a gift.” Of course I would be raising my hand and jumping up and down as he pretended not to see me in the crowd.

In the summers, we would all spend the days and evenings at their house to ride the boat and jet skis on the lake. Us kids would go in their basement and haul out all the life vests, skis, and equipment for our day of fun. They also had the BEST trampoline at their house. They don’t make them like this anymore probably because it was so dangerous and a miracle none of us died on it. It had been there since my dad and his siblings were growing up. So, the springs were really worn in. AND, it was shaped like a rectangle. So, from 40 years of use and the shape, we were assured of huge bouncing. I personally perfected the art of “swivel hips.” None of this closed- in, round trampoline business for us.

Verne and Miriam have 6 kids, 7 grandchildren, and 7 great grandchildren. Throw in some spouses and we have ourselves a good “gang.” It became family tradition to sing the Doxology at meal times. I am sure the tradition started well before I was born, but I still love it. However, sometimes us cousins would cause trouble and make each other laugh through it. The words go, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him, all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.” Even the great grandkids know the words.

The Koppin’s have much to praise the Lord about. Through happiness and heartache, God has been praised. We all wouldn’t be here if Verne and Miriam didn’t meet at Wheaton College. I mean, who wouldn’t fall for the Captain of the football team? Grandpa fought in WW2 and married Grandma and they settled here in Detroit. His German family settled here in Detroit where he would later be born. (I always have thought he has the best name- Verne Thurber. His sister was Myra Fern. Great Grandma Koppin claimed all the good names were taken so she had to name them the way she did).

Grandpa is the godly Patriarch of our family and has not lost his wit. He calls the independent living facility where the live “The Asylum” and jokes about the key to a successful 72 year marriage is going on lots of trips without your spouse. Grandma still calls him her boyfriend. He has always been a very generous man and was a big part of the auto industry here in Detroit. He loves his cars and U of M football. My grandma’s stew recipe is delicious and she would always add tons of extra onions for Grandpa.

I could keep going on and on about all my memories of him as this only scratches the surface. I am proud to be his granddaughter and to watch him live life to the fullest. So, Happy Birthday, Grandpa Verne!!! We love you.

Hello! It’s Me.

October 21, 2017

I’ve left my blog private for a long while. I am pretty much an open book with my struggles and life in general. I debated starting fresh with a new blog all together. I had a few stalkers and a lot of the information I posted was used against me.

I think I will stick with my original blog because so much of my past is documented here- the good, the bad and the very ugly. This is my place to write. I enjoy when readers reach out to me for advice or just to chat.

I realize I am a controversial person. I have done controversial things. I have controversial beliefs. Many may not agree with what I post, but this is the lens through which I see life.

I have a lot of new followers so here is some info about me:

*I am a follower of Jesus Christ and wish to know God and enjoy Him forever.

*I believe the Bible is the authentic and true Word of God, so that is where my worldview is coming from.

*I am a proud aunt. I love my nephew and three nieces. They bring me so much joy and teach me so much. They make me laugh hysterically.

*My favorite color is orange. I am a huge Detroit Red Wings fan. I have a wonderful job working at a library. Clearly I am addicted to reading, reeses cups, pens/ink, journals (Leuchtturm 1917’s to be exact) and netflix.

*I try to see the positive and humor in situations and people. Life is pretty funny. Key word “try.” My irrational brain often takes over.

*Essie gel couture nail polish is my favorite. I’m also an aveda snob. I only use aveda products because they are just the best.



Survival Mode

April 29, 2017

These days I feel as if I am still in survival mode. It’s all I can do to make it through work. I love my job, but it depletes my energy physically and mentally. I have trouble keeping up with chores and cooking because I just don’t have the steam. I take care of Gordon. I haven’t been to church in a few months, partly because I don’t feel up to it and partly because I don’t want to go. But, then I realize where I’ve been the last few years and see how far I’ve come in many aspects. I have so much going for me in the midst of all these seemingly endless trials. I’m thankful. I’m sick and tired but thankful. 


March 4, 2017

My heart has been heavy this week. The Shepherd provides what I need. Illness is isolating. I don’t want to cook, nor do want to be social. This week, I have felt like a shameful outcast in places that should be safe havens. However, the Shepherd provided key people to providentially surround me. The week ahead is both exciting and nerve wracking. A huge provision and new adventure. I must trust God will equip me with His strength as I have no strength of my own. He will. The extensive amount of stress in my life will be taken care of. I just don’t know how. Isaiah 55, tattooed on my wrist for a reason. ❤ 


February 2, 2017

I may need a Facebook break for many reasons. Here’s a few…

1. I’m tired of passive aggressive posts whether they be political, christian posts about a personal conviction that a person tries to subtly show that everyone needs to believe the way they do, or just posts in general that I can tell is aimed at someone or a group of people without actually saying it. 

2. Political posts in general. We get it…you love Trump or you hate him. Who. Really. Cares?! 

3. I have unfollowed so many people for various reasons to protect my mind and sanity, why do I even bother wasting my time scrolling? 

4. I see the exact same pics when I log into fb and instagram because we are all posting to everything. 

I do appreciate my friends who are extremely humorous and clever and can be lighthearted and make me laugh. I appreciate articles shared that are done so respectfully so I can learn from them and not just have propaganda shoved down my throat. I appreciate the Babylon bee. Christians take themselves too seriously. 

Overall, a wee break would probably do me well. I find that even if I abstain from fb for only a day, it’s refreshing. 

A Shepherd's Heart

Thoughts from Your Pastor

Psalm 73:26 Journey

My journey of fighting breast cancer and trusting God. "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

hidden glory

finding beauty + grace in the ordinary + imperfect

Alexandra Ellen

Therapeutic Creativity