2 weddings and a puppy

 How has August already arrived? This summer has flown by. My baby sister got married to a wonderful man. All the wedding festivities were tons of fun. Then, 2 weeks later, a great family friend since I have known since 6th grade got married. Can’t believe we are all growing up.


In between these two huge occasions, I brought my puppy home:) Gordon the Shih Tzu is THE cutest and most fun dog a girl could ask for. Now granted, the first week was very hard because I was so exhausted from my sister’s wedding but now he is sleeping at night (which means I can sleep too) so we are getting along great. He is so fluffy and playful and follows me around everywhere I go. 


Besides the big milestones of the summer to celebrate, this has been a huge summer or learning for me. I have learned so much about God and myself and how amazing his grace really is. I will tell you more if you would like to know!

Enjoy August…the BEST month of the year 🙂 

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