Posts Tagged ‘shih tzu’

Random facts

June 15, 2014

Here are some random facts, which make Katie from MI unique:

-I am katie from Michigan from being on the Rush Limbaugh Show 6 times

-I’m a very proud lefty

-I’ve met all the Bush and Cheney families (read previous posts about that)

-I’m all over the map politically, and do NOT watch Fox News (gag me)

-I love prisoners

-I love my Shih Tzu

-I love the Detroit Red Wings and want so badly to ride the zamboni during a game

-Jonny Cash is my homeboy

-June Hunt is my hero

-people I want to meet: Gary Busey, Tony Shalhoub, Donald Trump, Shonda Rhimes-well, and the whole greys cast among others

-I don’t use a study Bible…I just can’t. Ever since leading in BSF I have come to love just reading the Word without anyone’s commentary.

-I love well written books and TV because I loooove a good story with character development 

-I am a very outgoing introvert. I love public speaking but recharge in solitude. 

-I desire to know the Shepherd more each day and make Him known. I screw up more than I can count, but He loves me. I belong to Him!

Goals for 2014

December 25, 2013

*finish half marathon

*ride on zamboni during red wings game

*meet tony Shalhoub 

*meet Gary Busey (we are already BFF’s on Facebook)

*go to a court trial 

*not be a patient at Beaumont hospital

*write 100 letters

*visit rush limbaugh

*eat ice cream

*kiss my niece and nephew 100 times

*kiss my puppy Gordon 100 times (a day)

*visit a prison outside of Michigan 

*be on the Ellen show…preferably to be surprised in meeting tony Shalhoub 


I feel these are all COMPLETELY doable.

Shih tzu

January 17, 2013

Since my boss and I both have shih tzus, he has declared tomorrow as “bring your shih tzu to work day.” I have a feeling it will be a funny day:) Gordon better behave.


December 8, 2012

The year I spent studying the life of Moses, I decided I have this unfortunate condition. I like to take things into my own hands and panic, while God calls me to trust Him and have faith in His promises. Just like the Isrealites…complain, whine, fear, slander, and forget God’s faithfulness in all areas of their lives. I am really good at doing all of those. So many unknowns are waiting for me even in the next 2 days. I am nervous. I’ve been so adamant about savoring each moment in my life, yet I throw it all away when there is something to panic about. So, I want to enjoy my evening and trust Abba with the unknowns and worries of tomorrow.

Tonight, I have lots to be thankful for and enjoy: warm house, food, a working washer and dryer to wash clothing, my little corner of very special Christmas decorations that have been passed to me from my grandma, my freshly groomed, skinny shih tzu with a clean bill of health to cuddle up next to me. God is gracious!

Day 14

November 14, 2012

SO MUCH to be thankful for today:

energy to get myself to the gym last night. felt great.

FINALLY approved by the DOC so I can start my in-prison ministry. PTL!!! I am so excited.

waking up to sun shining in my bedroom. something NOT to be taken for granted this time of year.

two hilarious dogs to entertain me today. they crack me up and are sooooo funny together. The shih tzu and the golden doodle. the odd couple.

Day 8: Gordon

November 8, 2012

It goes without saying I LOVE MY DOG!!!!!!!!! Gordon Winrod Koppin is the sweetest little ewok-looking creature in the world. I am very thankful for him because thru him, God has shown me what unconditional love looks like. Gordon is ALWAYS happy to see me no matter what I have done, how I feel, if I play with him, or ignore him. I got him 3.5 yrs ago as a replacement when my sister got married. Sorry, Claire! The day after her wedding I got to pick up my little furball and got to hear his squeaks all the way home. He is a stubborn rascal who has never liked to be confined in any way. He is a Mama’s boy who must know where I am at all times. He drank the beer my mom put in the garden to attract slugs, but I couldn’t tell if he was drunk cause he already walks zig zagged while sober. He got a shoe stuck to his face while I was home with a stomach flu and I couldn’t get it off so my mom had to come home from a work meeting and take him to the vet. I of course was sobbing. The vet people were probably telling that story for weeks. He knows when I am sad or not feeling well and comes and sits on my lap and is my therapy dog. He loves everyone and thinks the world revolves around him. He shakes uncontrollably during thunderstorms so he has to be right in my arms held tight. He is my secret service body guard and saved me when someone tried to break into my house. I am thankful for my dog and he is truly a gift from the Shepherd!!!

2 weddings and a puppy

August 7, 2009

 How has August already arrived? This summer has flown by. My baby sister got married to a wonderful man. All the wedding festivities were tons of fun. Then, 2 weeks later, a great family friend since I have known since 6th grade got married. Can’t believe we are all growing up.


In between these two huge occasions, I brought my puppy home:) Gordon the Shih Tzu is THE cutest and most fun dog a girl could ask for. Now granted, the first week was very hard because I was so exhausted from my sister’s wedding but now he is sleeping at night (which means I can sleep too) so we are getting along great. He is so fluffy and playful and follows me around everywhere I go. 


Besides the big milestones of the summer to celebrate, this has been a huge summer or learning for me. I have learned so much about God and myself and how amazing his grace really is. I will tell you more if you would like to know!

Enjoy August…the BEST month of the year 🙂 

A Shepherd's Heart

Thoughts from Your Pastor

Psalm 73:26 Journey

My journey of fighting breast cancer and trusting God. "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

hidden glory

finding beauty + grace in the ordinary + imperfect

Alexandra Ellen

Therapeutic Creativity