Posts Tagged ‘dog’

Random facts

June 15, 2014

Here are some random facts, which make Katie from MI unique:

-I am katie from Michigan from being on the Rush Limbaugh Show 6 times

-I’m a very proud lefty

-I’ve met all the Bush and Cheney families (read previous posts about that)

-I’m all over the map politically, and do NOT watch Fox News (gag me)

-I love prisoners

-I love my Shih Tzu

-I love the Detroit Red Wings and want so badly to ride the zamboni during a game

-Jonny Cash is my homeboy

-June Hunt is my hero

-people I want to meet: Gary Busey, Tony Shalhoub, Donald Trump, Shonda Rhimes-well, and the whole greys cast among others

-I don’t use a study Bible…I just can’t. Ever since leading in BSF I have come to love just reading the Word without anyone’s commentary.

-I love well written books and TV because I loooove a good story with character development 

-I am a very outgoing introvert. I love public speaking but recharge in solitude. 

-I desire to know the Shepherd more each day and make Him known. I screw up more than I can count, but He loves me. I belong to Him!

Still thankful…

May 15, 2014

I haven’t posted a thankfulness list in a while…or even a random post for that matter. I’m back! 


-food and shelter…not one day goes by I do not forget how blessed I am to have both.

-sister, brother, nephew and niece. They have been making my heart full the past few weeks.

-my mom. Yea, she is the best. 

-Netflix. Lol I didn’t go long without it. 

-books to read and enjoy.

-really exciting job opportunities.

-the Shepherd. He makes all things possible. He loves me. I am His found sheep. 

-encouragement and prayer from soooooo many people. 

-my dear ones in prison. I love them so much it hurts! The Shepherd uses them to bless me continually. 

-Johnny Cash…my homie. His music speaks to my heart and his legacy in prison reform gets me moving.


-a full tank of gas

-my little, brown puppy dog. 


November 25, 2013

I’m not a huge holiday person, but I do love thanksgiving. Reflecting on the year of God’s goodness and resting is quite wonderful. Yummy food, lots of laughs and cozy weather I love. Thank you, Lord, for letting me be an aunt, and for the care you have provided through many people this year, and for all the people I dearly love in prison….and of course, my little, brown pup- my constant companion and helper 🙂

Shih tzu

January 17, 2013

Since my boss and I both have shih tzus, he has declared tomorrow as “bring your shih tzu to work day.” I have a feeling it will be a funny day:) Gordon better behave.

Day 8: Gordon

November 8, 2012

It goes without saying I LOVE MY DOG!!!!!!!!! Gordon Winrod Koppin is the sweetest little ewok-looking creature in the world. I am very thankful for him because thru him, God has shown me what unconditional love looks like. Gordon is ALWAYS happy to see me no matter what I have done, how I feel, if I play with him, or ignore him. I got him 3.5 yrs ago as a replacement when my sister got married. Sorry, Claire! The day after her wedding I got to pick up my little furball and got to hear his squeaks all the way home. He is a stubborn rascal who has never liked to be confined in any way. He is a Mama’s boy who must know where I am at all times. He drank the beer my mom put in the garden to attract slugs, but I couldn’t tell if he was drunk cause he already walks zig zagged while sober. He got a shoe stuck to his face while I was home with a stomach flu and I couldn’t get it off so my mom had to come home from a work meeting and take him to the vet. I of course was sobbing. The vet people were probably telling that story for weeks. He knows when I am sad or not feeling well and comes and sits on my lap and is my therapy dog. He loves everyone and thinks the world revolves around him. He shakes uncontrollably during thunderstorms so he has to be right in my arms held tight. He is my secret service body guard and saved me when someone tried to break into my house. I am thankful for my dog and he is truly a gift from the Shepherd!!!

A Shepherd's Heart

Thoughts from Your Pastor

Psalm 73:26 Journey

My journey of fighting breast cancer and trusting God. "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

hidden glory

finding beauty + grace in the ordinary + imperfect

Alexandra Ellen

Therapeutic Creativity