Posts Tagged ‘gifts’

Birthday List!

August 21, 2014

I got my very first birthday card in the mail today, so I figured people would want to know what they can get me for my birthday. I’m confident that if everyone puts forth effort, I will get everything on my list this year!!

-Tony Shalhoub and Gary Busey at my front door.
-a ride on the zamboni at Joe Loius Arena
– Johnny Cash’s star from the Hollywood walk of fame
-to be an extra in an episode of House Of Cards
-be on the Ellen Show

No worries, I will act surprised when I get these gifts!!!

Niece and Nephew Christmas tradition

December 15, 2013

Let’s be honest….I have the cutest niece and nephew on earth. Being an aunt is the best thing in the whole world. Because of the fact my niece and nephew are the cutest people on earth, people like to buy them lots of gifts. So, ever since my nephew was born, he is 2 and a half now, I decided I would do something a little different for Christmas. For his first Christmas, we bought a sheep that was sent to a family in Africa. Then, I officially started prison ministry. Unbeknownst to Jeremiah, he has been sending needed materials to prisoners and has participated in Angel Tree. Now, for Naomi’s first Christmas, she gets to join in the fun. I know it means nothing to them right now, but someday soon when they are old enough to understand, I hope they will learn to love prisoners deeply like I do along with their families. I pray that what I do in the prisons will show Naomi and Jeremiah an example of how Jesus loves us even though we are sinners and will never be able to repay Him. I pray they will develop a deep love and concern for people who are different than them and that they will want to share Christ with them. Jeremiah and Naomi are blessed to have everything they need and want. I pray they will know these many blessings come directly from God and He loves them dearly. I know most toddlers don’t have an aunt that loves prisoners, so I pray God will use my experiences to encourage my little niece and nephew.


do you have any traditions for Christmas?

The best Christmas ever!

December 23, 2012

This has been the best Christmas of my entire life, and I have had 27 of them. This year has been different. Christmas day hasn’t even arrived and I have already experienced the most joyful and loving Christmas I could imagine. I spent the entire day at the Prison yesterday. The days I have been at the prison are days that are quickly becoming the most meaningful days of my life. I met with all four of the women I am mentoring. One of which I hadn’t even met yet- only written to. She’s thirty-two and has been in prison for over two years. Everyone in her life has disowned her. I was her first visit she has ever had. This humbled me and was great affirmation from God that I was in the place I needed to be yesterday. Funny how I *almost* didn’t go because I had stuff I wanted to get done at home. We talked and talked. She told me how she wanted to know God personally because he feels so far away. She had many questions and has had one awful thing happen to her after the next over the past several weeks. At one point she just stopped and said..Katie, I thought being in prison was bad enough…why do awful things just keep happening? I said I didn’t know. The things she described ARE awful. I don’t know why God has been allowing them. I do know that when we can seek the Lord while he may be found and call upon Him because he is near. His ways and thoughts are way higher than ours.

So, we looked thru the Word. We talked about her past and how we similarly have a hard time trusting people. We prayed.

We prayed that this would be the day She knew she is for sure a daughter of God, part of His family. She belongs to someone. She is so dearly loved. I tried not to cry (cause you don’t cry in prison) but I was overjoyed by the work of the Holy Spirit behind bars. She needed assurance and for someone to just decide to be Christ to her. I told her, Girl, this is YOUR day. We are sisters and you are just as much as part of my family as my church and biological family are. She was glowing. I have never experienced anything quite like this.

God has placed a huge burden on my heart for women in prison. When I go into the prison, it’s only by the Holy Spirit’s power that I see these women as beautiful people lost from their Shepherd. I don’t consider myself any different from them. Even the women I don’t know yet who I watch, my heart longs to to just be present with them. I don’t know why God has called me to these people. But, I am glad he has. It’s funny that I have had to go behind bars to learn what true freedom is.

This morning I shared my praises at church and the joy and love I felt when the entire church was cheering, amen-ing, and hallelujah-ing and clapping with joy for our new sister was incredible. They know that our new sister received the gift of what Christmas is all about. Jesus came into the world so that we may have life thru Himself. A lost sheep has been found by her Shepherd

“N” gifts

November 3, 2012

Today’s joy dare is to figure out 3 gifts of thanks beginning with the letter N!!! So, here we go. Please add to my list in the comment section:)

1. My niece is healthy and growing in her mommy’s belly. I can’t wait to see her face.

2. Living on a street where I know all my neighbors. Such a blessing. I will never take it for granted.

3. The tall tree down the street with no more leaves that has a bird’s nest delicately placed on top. The Shepherd’s eyes are on the sparrow, and I know he watches me!